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Mental Health and Counselling Services

Mental Health & Counselling Services

Calming Waves is specialised in providing neuro-affirming therapeutic mental health assessment, clinical treatments, counselling and support to children, youth, and families. This extends to support for problems in pregnancy, prenatal and postnatal support as well as Victims of Crime matters.


We can help with the underlying causes of what is contributing to mental health and other life difficulties.

Mental health & Counselling

Some of the things we are able to help with include but are not limited to:

  • Difficulties with mood, emotions, frequent distress, or excessive worry

  • Problems experienced by neurodivergent people

  • Experiences of feeling out of touch with reality and unusual experiences other people say are not real

  • Suicidal thoughts and other crises

  • Trauma

  • Experiences of abuse and neglect

  • Relationship and family problems

  • Friendships, bullying, or other social problems

  • Behavioural problems

  • Pregnancy, prenatal issues, postnatal issues

  • Parenting

  • Family violence

  • The transition from adolescence to adulthood, other life transitions, and adjustment problems

  • Grief and loss

  • Victims of Crime support


At Calming Waves, we ensure that each individual's assessment and treatment is tailored to the needs of the individual. Families are encouraged to be part of the assessment and treatment where appropriate.


We offer evidence-based treatments including:

  • Psycho-education by providing information about each individual's situation to help them make sense of their own experience and make informed decisions about other treatment options

  • Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing. For more information about this see EMDRAA

  • Interpersonal Psychotherapy, which focuses on building relationships, communication skills, and increasing social support

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which focuses on identifying problematic thought and behavioural patterns that influence emotions and coping

  • Relaxation strategies and stress management, including mindfulness, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided meditations

  • Anger management strategies, including identifying underlying emotions and issues contributing to anger.

  • Motivational Interviewing, which assists to make difficult changes to unhelpful patterns or behaviours

  • Parenting skills, including assistance to interpret and understand a child or young person's behaviour using the Collaborative Proactive Solutions (CPS) model by Dr Ross Greene

  • Parent-child relational therapy, which focuses on the relationship between the parent and the child helping to give parents tools and strategies to support their child through their distress, however, it may present

  • Trauma therapy, including traumatic experiences debriefing, grounding strategies, and coping skills


Medicare rebates are available with a Mental Health Care Plan obtained from your General Practitioner. The rebate will give a partial refund of the service fee. For more information about Medicare and Mental Health Care Plans click HERE.


CONTACT US for more information or to discuss how we can help you.

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