Gentle Parenting Services
"Responding to our children's challenging behaviours with empathy and guidance instead of threats and punishment enables them to grow into adults rooted in love and compassion instead of fear and anger. Imagine what a beautiful world it would be if everyone was treated kindly when they struggled. Let's start with our children and change the world, one little heart at a time"
- LR. Knost
Raising children is not easy. If you identify as a parent, caregiver or loving adult who looks after children, you will know the challenges of raising children. It seems that we are raising children in more challenging times, often with little support and increasing awareness of the impact of adverse childhood experiences can have on children.
There are so many books, articles, opinions, and advice on how to raise children, but not all of the approaches are respectful and lead to good outcomes for both parents and children.
Gentle parenting is a combination of evidence-based approaches based on a number of theories including attachment theories, trauma theories, and child development theories. Gentle Parenting is neither permissive parenting nor an authoritarian parenting style. All behaviour from your child is seen as a form of communication, which we need to understand. Gentle parenting uses a range of developmentally-informed techniques to tune into your child's needs, providing emotional connection, respect, empathy, limits, and boundaries. Gentle parenting uses methods that are not punitive, shaming, blaming, coercive or reward-based but rather encourage mutual respect, healthy relationships and promote good mental health.
Calming Waves can offer assistance for parents and carers to interpret and understand what their child or young person is experiencing.
We can help parents and carers to connect with their children to meet their needs and address challenging behaviours.
We offer support for every stage of the parenting journey including:​
Pregnancy, preparing to be a parent, birth, birth debriefing, and post-natal issues
Babies, toddlers, and early childhood including support with sleep, tantrums, eating, and sibling relationships
Children and adolescents
Helping adolescents to develop independence from their family and transition into adulthood
Relationships with adult children
Gentle parenting for raising neurodivergent children
Gentle Parenting for raising grandchildren
Gentle parenting for children and young people in formal and informal out of home care arrangements
Gentle parenting for children who have experienced trauma
Our support focuses on understanding the biological and developmental norms of each age to find ways to relate and connect with your child at every stage. Calming Waves also uses the Collaborative and Proactive Solutions Model by Dr Ross Greene. This model is a problem solving model underpinned by the belief that "kids do well if they can".
CONTACT US for more information or to discuss how we can help you.